l-e-a-k-y explores permeability and porousness as portals for understanding disability and multifaceted identity. Work in 2023 was funded by Mellon Foundation as part of the Access. Movement. Play. Residency.
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Led by Elisabeth Motley
India Harville
Jose Miguel “Miggy” Estaban
Cory Nakasue
JJ Omelagah
We are in the early stages of figuring out how to release the ways we contain ourselves and stifle ourselves to be palatable for a society that wants clean, neat categories and boxes when in reality, we are messy, leaky, Disabled beings who defy what society wants from us and that is confronting for people. How do we allow ourselves to be fully who we are with non-normative body/minds and how do we reject the gaze and policing that suggests we should stop being messy.